![]() ![]() ![]() Click on my nose!
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650 CISL |
"Didn't fit new format" |
Okay Payout |
What's This Page All About?
![]() ![]() What happened after I got the Page up was interesting. There was a mini-boom in Web Pages. Nearly every major corporation got one, and they are now consistently showing their www.whosis.com everywhere. As a result, CEOs were saying, "Hey Finster! What's that http business at the bottom of the screen?" "That's a Web Site, sir." "Do WE have one?" "No, sir." "Well, then, GET ME ONE!" Well, the gold rush was on. I heard one story about the former Art Director of a Major American Magazine qutting his job to go into the Web Page business and charging a large corporate client ONE MILLION DOLLARS for a site. I took it upon myself to apply a background in advertising and commercial art to this latest thing. And things went along quite nicely. Sort of. One client got into a big nasty fight with the ISP his site was on and had them take it down. Another one went bankrupt. Several others turned out to be Just Plain Nuts after I'd already done a lot of work on their pages. One day it happened: someone figured out that a six-year-old could write code for a Web Site. And everyone started getting involved. More often than not, a potential client would turn you down by saying that his son-in-law was going to do up a page for him. Of course, he inevitably got a page that looked like someone's son-in-law did it. In the past couple of years, entrepreneurs have set up "boiler-room" operations with people who cold-call would-be clients and sell them a Web Page over the phone. It is then turned over to their crack staff of designers, chained to their workstations 24 hours a day, who use a set of templates to "design" the pages. Not a lot of creativity there, but they look tidy, and boy, can you turn 'em out fast! That pretty much screwed it for me. I figured if some cybersweatshop can turn out a Web Page that looks relatively kosher for $400, they sure as hell aren't going to ask about my services, because I'm doing almost everything from scratch. That takes time, and time is money. Feh. Imagine my surprise then when the worm turned and a lot of Web Site owners suddenly discovered their Web Sites suck! All those template sites, the owners quickly discovered, looked the same. Into the breach steps Doc with Home Page Renovations! So I'm doing all right now, profiting from the mistakes of others. Here are a few examples. Can you tell which are my renos and which are originals? Hah! Check out Susan Long and Sharon Shore's Teletubbies site. Mitsubishi Canada. Apchexs.The Hang Out Place.Or the Brown Bros Ford site. Or, by golly, the Concord-By-The Sea site! Slick, huh? And I guess I'm serving in an advisory capacity to dozens of friends and acquaintances who are just getting into it. But, hey, I'll make you a Web Page. Doing this radio and acting thing doesn't take up all my time, you know. And working on them is actually a lot of fun. Contact the Doc at docharris@docharris.com. Remember our motto: |